Life with Braces

Care for Braces

Care for Braces

Dr. Hall and our team are your partners throughout your treatment to guide you with the right oral hygiene techniques, making your orthodontic journey as easy and successful as possible. Brushing and flossing regularly will help ensure that your orthodontic treatment will deliver the healthiest smile possible! When extra time is not taken caring for your braces white spots can develop on your teeth where the enamel has been weakened, leaving them damaged and unsightly. Here are some helpful tips:

Establishing a good routine

Maintaining a solid oral hygiene routine of brushing and flossing in the morning and night is the most important aspect when caring for your teeth during orthodontic treatment. Brushing after meals is also recommended to remove any debris or build-up but if you cannot get to a toothbrush try to rinse your mouth out well with water. Our team will show you the ideal brushing and flossing techniques once your braces are fitted and will review during your visits when needed.

Food and drink

Establishing a good diet is important for the overall health of your teeth during orthodontic treatment. We will give you guidance on identifying foods that could damage your braces as well as compromise the health of your teeth. This will include avoiding sticky, hard, chewy foods such as candy and nuts as well as damaging drinks such as soda and juices(Link to blog page of foods to avoid with braces). You can still enjoy plenty of delicious meals and snacks(link to blog of delicious braces friendly recipes)!

Keeping them clean

It is very important to keep your teeth and gingiva (gums) clean during orthodontic treatment. Bacteria (dental plaque) often sticks to our teeth (especially by the gum line and between the teeth). Adding brackets to your teeth creates more surfaces that the bacteria can hang on to. This is why it is so important to brush your teeth regularly and as often as possible, especially in the morning and at night. There are other great products such as a waterpik(link) and plaque detecting toothpastes such as PlaqueHD (link) are helpful aids to help care for your braces.


Congratulations on your new future smile with Invisalign! The very most important success factor of your Invisalign treatment is making sure to wear your aligners a minimum of 22 hours per day, removing only to eat, drink, brush, and floss. It is imperative for you to keep your aligning trays clean and in excellent condition. The good news is it is simple and fast to do!

  • Change your aligners on a weekly basis, unless directed otherwise by your doctor. The most important indicator that you are ready to change into your next aligners is the overall fit, or passiveness, of your aligners.

  • Aligners should have no visible space between the edge of the teeth and the aligner itself and should always fit over the teeth. If there is a gap present, continue wearing the same aligner and use your aligner chewies until the aligner fits properly. Chewies should be used at least 3 times a day for 5 minutes each time. *Do not use chewies if there is a history of TMJ.

After each meal, sweets, or soft drinks, brush or rinse your mouth before placing the Invisalign aligners in again.

  • If an attachment comes off, please call us to replace it within a week.

  • If the aligner is broken or lost after 2-3 days of wear, it should be okay to move to the next aligner. It may be necessary to stay in this aligner for a few extra days.

  • Brush your aligners every day with cool running water and colorless toothpaste.

  • You may experience mild soreness within 24-72 hours of wearing the new aligners. Tylenol or Advil may be used as needed.

  • Make sure to bring your Invisalign box with current and future aligners with you to your doctor appointments.